Christian Studies 在线

Knowledge for Service

The Christian Studies department promotes the academic study of the Bible, 圣经的语言, Christian education and ministry, intercultural missions, 和神学. It endeavors to guide students in discerning and responding to a personal call to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, preparing them to fulfill the task that God has prepared for them.

BS: Christian Studies

Bachelor of Science: Christian Studies

A Bachelor of Science in Christian Studies provides students with an excellent education in the biblical and theological disciplines, as well as the ministerial disciplines for guiding spiritual formation and practical ministry, integrating Christian faith and learning to prepare graduates for both personal and career effectiveness.

This program also serves as a foundation for students considering our Master of Leadership in 基督教的部 degree or a Master of Divinity at an其他 institution, granting students advanced standing in these programs an accelerating their graduation timeline.

Concentrations are available for hybrid online and residential students.

BAS: Christian Studies

Bachelor of Applied Science: Christian Studies

A Bachelor of Applied Science in Christian Studies gives people with practical experience in the field or an AAS degree from post-secondary accredited institutions advanced standing, awarding them college credit for relevant work. 汉尼拔-LaGrange University is the only university in the tri-state area offering a BAS degree, accelerating their graduation timeline while still providing the same core instruction in Christian Studies.

MAL: 基督教的部

Master of Arts in Leadership: 基督教的部

A Master of Arts in Leadership in 基督教的部 degree is designed to provide a program of professional growth for people desiring training in 领导 in Christian ministry. Students are equipped with skills to lead first themselves and their families, and then lead and manage small businesses, 非营利组织, and churches utilizing biblically-grounded techniques and theories.

Many students are eligible for advanced standing, able to count certain undergraduate courses toward their master’s degree in addition to transferring graduate classes from 其他 institutions.


Careers in Christian Studies

By developing skills in preaching, 门徒, 领导, and biblical interpretation, our students are prepared for a variety of opportunities within the church and non-profit organizations.

Christian Studies and Ministry graduates from HLGU have gone on to be pastors, 崇拜的领导人, 传教士, and work for 非营利组织 across the United 状态s and around the globe. Many of them have also continued their education by pursuing a Master of Leadership or Divinity while serving at a local church.